Not a dream , but a vision ! I dream every night . Sometimes,depending on how many times I have to get up to pee,several times ! But I rarely remember with such clarity or detail what I dream about.And sometimes it is only that " I HAD A DREAM" . It appears,Andy,that not only have you had an interesting adult life but the same goes for you child and adolescent life as well. By the way,as somewhat an "Insider" I would have observed a happy and fulfilling time at school for you and Tom ,whom I remember as always with a smile and a temperate attitude ! So I read your dream as your mom having a sad and difficult life but she did not pass that along to you both !

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That was a very sad story and something as part of the family that Glen and I were not aware of. Wish you nothing but happiness and peace. Read your stories all the time. God Bless

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